green it – the way you want IT

Archive for January, 2009

The generation gap: Windows on multicore

I found an interesting article to read on my QuadCore Vista x64 installation..
excerpt from webpage:
Windows 7 also scales similarly to Vista when moving from dual- to quad-core. Our database workload showed a whopping 571 percent improvement with the addition of two more cores (Vista showed a 492 percent gain), while our workflow workload experienced a less compelling 15 percent speed-up (Vista gained 58 percent on this test). This latter discrepancy may have more to do with limitations in the MAPI subsystem’s scalability (Windows 7 was already 44 percent faster than Vista on dual-core for this particular workload) than any real limitation in Windows 7.
The fun action starts with way more than 16 cores.. I only have four. Should I go back to Windows XP x64 ?? I wonder 🙂